Minimum Requirements for the Admission of BA Degree
Admissions can be obtained those who are less than 28 years of Buddhist Monks and Lay, male students, those who passed G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination and Pracheena Madyama Examination in the requested year. Enrollment is done based on the results of the interview, Z- Score marks and results of Pracheena Madyama Examination.
The applicant must pass three subjects in G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination in the requested year with Buddhist related Subjects (Buddhist Civilization/ Buddhism) and Pali Language with more than 30% marks for General Knowledge Paper.
The applicant must pass three subjects in G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination in the requested year with Sanskrit or History or Sinhala Language and Pali Language with more than 30% marks for General Knowledge Paper.
If the applicant is unable to sit for the G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination in the requested year, then the applicant must pass three subjects in G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination in Buddhist related Subjects (Buddhist Civilization/ Buddhism) and a Language with more than 30% marks for General Knowledge Paper and at least one requirement should be fulfilled in regarding the Pali Language.
Passed Pali Language in Prachina Prarambha Examination
Passed Pali Language in Piriven Final Examination
Passed Pali Language in G.C.E (Ordinary Level) Examination
Passed Diploma in Pali offered by Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka
Passed Baudhdha Dharmacharya Examination
Passed G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination in the requested year and Prachina Madhyama Examination and obtained more than 30% marks for General Knowledge Paper.
Sanskrit Special Intake
Limited Applicants those who fulfilled above requirements with a pass for the Sanskrit language in G.C.E (Advanced Level) Examination in the requested year are enrolled for the Sanskrit Special Intake. Those students must study Sanskrit Language for their degree program and do not allow to change for other subjects.
Subjects to be selected for First Examination of the Bachelor of Arts Degree
Compulsory Subjects
1. Pali Language and Literature
2. Buddhist Philosophy or Buddhist Culture
Out of the followings, only three subjects should be selected
i. Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy/ Community Leadership
ii. Archaeology/ Buddhist Psychology and Counseling
iii. Sanskrit
iv. Sinhala
v. English
vi. Japanese/ French/ Chinese/ Korean/ Hindi/ Tamil
Five subjects including Pali and Buddhist Philosophy or Buddhist Culture should be selected for Fist Year.
Except for those five subjects, all students are compulsory to study below two subject units.
(Sinhala medium students must follow “Compulsory English Course” which is offered by Department of English Language Teaching and English medium students must follow “Preliminary Course in English” which is offered by Department of English)
Subjects for English Medium
Subjects for Sinhala Medium
First Degree Courses
Registration for Courses