Ven. Yodhakandiye Ariyawansa Thero
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Department of Buddhist Philosophy
Academic Qualification
- M.A. in Buddhist Studies, Merit Pass with 3.9 GPA, Two Years with Research Component in English Medium, 2016/2018, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, SriLanka.
- B.A. (Hons) in Buddhist Philosophy, First Class with 3.87 GPA, Four Years in English Medium, Subsidiary Subject: Pāli Language, 2011-2015, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Royal Pandit, Pracheena-avasāna, 2018, Oriental Studies Society (OSS), Sri Lanka.
Post Graduate Diploma
- Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Counselling, 2017-2019, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Diploma
- Diploma in English, 2016-2017, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Diploma in Pali, 2008, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka
Advanced Certificate Courses
- Tow Year Advanced Certificate Course in Buddhist Psychological Counselling, Credit Pass, 2012/2015, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Tow Year Advanced Certificate Course in English, 2012/2014, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
Certificate Courses
- Certificate Course in Teaching Higher Education – 2018, Staff Development Center, University Of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
- Certificate in English for Careers, Part II, 2014/2015, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Certificate in English for Careers, Part I, 2013/2014, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Certificate Course in English, 2012, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Certificate Course in Information Communication Technology (CICT), Credit Pass, 2014/2015, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka. Primary and Secondary Education
- Prācīna Pandit, Intermediate, 2017, Oriental Studies Society (OSS), Sri Lanka.
- Prācīna Pandit, Preliminary, Distinction Pass, 2016, Oriental Studies Society (OSS), Sri Lanka.
- G.C.E. Advanced Level Examination, 2009, Department of Examination, Sri Lanka.
- Pāli Language Examination, 2008, Sri Sumangala Commemorative Congress, Vidyodaya Pirivena, Sri Lanka.
- Bauddha Dharmācārya Examination, 2008, Department of Examination, Sri Lanka.
- Dhamma Schools Final Certificate Examination, 2007, Department of Examination, Sri Lanka.
- Buddhist Religious Primary School Final Examination, 2006, Department of Examination, Sri Lanka.
- Member, (2018 onwards), Academic Union of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Lifetime Membership, 2016, The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.
- Membership, 2016, Godage Books Society, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Lifetime Membership, 2016, National Library and Documentation Center, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Academic Experience
- Lecturer (Unconfirmed), Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka, From 2018.
- Visiting Lecturer, Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2019.
- Visiting Lecturer, 2017, 2018, 2019, Diploma in Buddhism for Foreign Students, Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Visiting Lecturer, 2017, 2018, 2019, Buddhist Philosophy Special Degree Couse, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Visiting Lecturer, 2017, Diploma in Buddhism, External Degree Couse, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Visiting Lecturer, 2016, Buddhist Leadership Special Degree Couse, Department of Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Visiting Lecturer, 2015, 2016, Buddhist Philosophy Special Degree Couse, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Research Assistant, 2015, Research on Monastic Education in Sri Lanka, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Coordinator, Buddhist Meditation, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, 2018-
Research interests
- Buddhist Fundamentals
- Theravāva Buddhism
- Mahayāna Buddhism
- Buddhist Psychology and Counselling
- Applied Buddhism
International/ National Seminar Presentations
International Conference
- The Study of Sutra Nikkhepa-naya, 13 th International Conference on Pāli and Buddhist Studies (ICPBC), Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka, November 2017.
- Buddhist Psychology in Visuddhimagga, International Conference; Buddhism: Traditions, Ideologies, and Dissent, School of Buddhist Studies and Civilization, Gautama Buddha University, New Delhi, India, September 2017.
- Sūñyatā Concept and Female Buddha, International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS), Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, November 2016.
- Buddhist Theory of Unraveling Hindrances, The 2 nd International Conference of the Humanities (ICH), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, October 2016.
- Buddhist Perspective of Dreams, International Conference on Chinese Studies (ICCS), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, September 2016.
- The Utility of Buddhism to Prevent Impatience of Young People, 04 th International Buddhist Conference on Buddhism for Future Human Civilization, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka. December 2015.
- A Comparative Study on the Significance of Religions in Conquering the Challenges faced by Youths, International Conference on Religious Tolerance and Harmony (IRTH), Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka, April 2015.
- Logic; A Buddhist Perspective, 2nd International Buddhist Conference on International Exchange of Buddhism in the Global Context, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), Kandy, Sri Lanka, September 2014.
National Conference
- A Study on Validity of Prophetic Dreams with Reference to Buddhist Literature, Annual Symposium, Department of Sinhala, University of Colombo, Octomber 2018.
- Dreams are Symbol of Future, 3 th National Conference (NBC), Bhiksu University, Sri Lanka, November 2017.
- A Study on Validity of Prophetic Dreams with Reference to Buddhist Literature, 12 th National Conference on Buddhist Studies, (NCPBS 2016), University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, December 2016.
- Pāli Influence of Daśabhūmisūtra, 9 th Annual Research Conference, The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, March 2016.
- Psychological Significance of the Visuddhimagga, 8 th Conference, The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka, March 2015.
- A Buddhist Approach to Reduction of Rate of Committing Suicide, 10 th National Conference on Buddhist Studies, Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, January 2015.
- Influence of Celibacy in Brahmanism for Promulgation of Disciplinary Rules in Buddhism, 8 th Annual Conference on Buddhist Studies, Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, and The Buddhist Times Trust, Sri Lanka, December 2012.
Research & Publications
- Analytical Study of Buddhist Causal Law with Reference to Early Canonical Texts, (in English), 2016-2018, Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- A Study the Utility of Buddhist Meditation for Progress the Achievements of Undergraduates, 2017-2019, Department of Education Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- An Analysis of Paṭiccasamuppāda, (in English), 2014-2015, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- The Buddhist Causal Law, (in English), 2019, Māgadhi, Puwakpitiya, Sri Lanka.
- Mahāyāna and Trantayāna, (in Sinhalese), 2019, Buddhist Cultural Center, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka.
- Collected Essays on Buddhist Philosophy, (in Sinhalese), 2019, Māgadhi, Puwakpitiya, Sri Lanka.
- Rohana Mahā Vihāra of Māgama Kingdom (in Sinhalese), 2019, Buddhist Cultureal Center (BCC), Dehiwala, Sri Lanka.
- Bodhisattvayānaya, (in Sinhalese), 2016, Sri Lanka Pāli Texts Society (SPTS), Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.
- Buddhism and Psychology, (in Sinhalese), 2016, Sri Lanka Pāli Texts Society (SPTS), Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.
- Application of Buddhist Philosophy, (in English), 2016, Godage & Brothers (Pvt)Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Dreams; Study with Reference to Buddhist Literature, (in Sinhalese), 2016, Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Vandum-maga, 2019, Samadhi, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka.
- Paritrāna: Conceptual Analysis of Paritta, 2018, Sri Lanka Pāli Texts Society (SPTS), Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.
- History, Archaeology and Buddhism, 2018, Sri Lanka Pāli Texts Society (SPTS), Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.
- Thissamahārāmaya, Third Edition, 2018, Buddhist Cultural Center, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka.
- Philosophy, Culture and Counselling, 2018, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Buddhist Concepts and Literary Studies, 2018, Sri Lanka Pāli Texts Society (SPTS), Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.
- Buddhist Studies, 2016, Sri Kandararama Vihāraya, Bengamuva, Sri Lanka.
- Dharmapratibhā, 2015, Sri Vijayārāma Mahā Vihāraya, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka.
- Samiddhipasādani, 2015, Sri Sudarshanarāma Purāna Vihāraya, Galle, Sri Lanka.
- Mimasisara, 2014, Academic Journal - (Second Volume), Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Role of Women for Ideal Society: An Analysis of Buddhist Sources, (in Sinhalese), 2019, Journal of Buddhist Culture (JBC) – Volume III – Issue I, Peer Reviewed Journal, Department of Buddhist Culture, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University of Sri Lanka.
- Female Buddhahood: An Analysis of Mahāyāna Sources, (in Sinhalese), 2019 June, Journal of Pāli, Biannual Peer Reviewed Journal, Volume IV – Issue I, Peer-Reviewed Journal, Department of Pali, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University of Sri Lanka.
- Study of Conceptual Teachings of Tantric Buddhism, (in Sinhalese), 2019, BPU Journal of Buddhist Studies and Humanities (JBSH), Volume IV – Issue I, Peer Reviewed Journal, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Validity of Dreams: Study Based on Buddhist Literature (in Sinhalese), 2019, Pariyesanā; Journal of RSAS, Volume I, Peer Reviewed Journal, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Buddha Concept in Mahāyāna Buddhism: An Exposition, (in Sinhalese), 2016, Vidumina: Journal od Pāli and Buddhist Studdies, Peer Reviewed Journal, Volume I, issue III, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.
Academic Journals
- Self and Social-wellbeing in Buddhism, (in Sinhalese), 2019, Academic Journal of Vidyodaya, (PAVP), Vidyodaya Pirivena, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Psychological Counselling of Hālindiya Jataka Tale, (in Sinhalese), 2019, Nivanmaga: Jataka Literature, Sri Lankan Government Press, Sri Lanka.
- Cittala Babbata Vihāra, (in Sinhalese) 2018, Academic Journal of Situlpavva, Sri Lanka.
- Tantrayāna Buddhism, (in Sinhalese) 2019, Expansion of Buddhist Sects, Piliyandala , Sri Lanka.
- Simile of Puggalapaññatti, (in Sinhalese), 2018, Mimasisara: Academic Journal – 2017, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Fculty of Humanities, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Female Bodhisattva: A Study of Mahāyāna Buddhism, (in Sinhalese), Saṃdhārā: Academic Journal – 2018, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Concept of Perfection in Mahāyāna Buddhism, (in Sinhalese), 2018, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Language Acquisition of Child, (in Sinhalese), 2018, Vibhajana, Nāgānanda International Buddhist University, Sri Lanka.
- Linguistic Characters of the Buddhist Canon, (in Sinhalese), 2018, Academic Journal of Vidyodaya, (PAVP), Vidyodaya Pirivena, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Religious Resolution for Challenges, (in English), 2018, Dharmavijaya Journal of Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka.
- Language Progress of Children (in Sinhalese), Prabhā: Academic Journal, Fifth Issue, Volume ii, 2017, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- A Comparative Study of Rationality (in English), Sāradā: Academic Journal, 2017, Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Jain Tradition in India (in Sinhalese), Academic Journal on Indian Thoughts, 2017, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Validity of Dreams with Reference to Buddhist Literature (in Sinhalese), Girihisa: Academic Journal, 2017, Department of Philosophy, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Introduction to Tantric Teachings (in Sinhalese), Vidyodaya Dharma Sāstriya Sangrahaya (Academic Journal), 2017, (PAVP), Vidyodaya Pirivena, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Jātaka Text and Its Structure (in Sinhalese), Vidurusanda: Academic Journal, 2016, First Volume, Ruwanpura National College of Education, Kahawatta, Sri Lanka. 22 Rationality and Thoughts (Takka and Vīmansā) (in English), Aurora: Journal of English Studies - 2015, 2016,Department of English, Faculty of Language Studies,
Buddhist and Pāli University, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd., Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Ineffability of Nirvāna, (in Sinhalese), Mimasisara: Academic Journal – 2015, 2016, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- A Comparative Study on the Significance of Religions in Conquering the Challenges faced by Youths (in English), Religious Tolerance and Harmony (Conference Papers), 2015, Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Buddhist and Pāli University, Cybergate Services (Pvt) Ltd, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.
- Early Buddhist Analysis of the Causality and Buddhist Schools (in English), Mimasisara: Academic Journal, 2014, - Volume II, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pāli University, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Logic; A Buddhist Perspective (in English), Conference Papers, 2014, Sri Lanka
- International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), NN Printers, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Commemorative & Felicitation Volumes
- Buddhist Rituals and Psychotherapy (in Sinhalese), 2018, Buddhist Psychology and Counselling, Sri Lanka.
- School of Central Philosophy and Its Literary Works, 2018, Chandodaya, Sri Lanka.
- The Buddhist Causal Law in Manifold Tradition, 2018, History, Archaeology and Buddhism, Sri Lanka.
- Techniques for Mental Health Promotion; A Buddhist Literary Survey (in Sinhalese), 2018, Buddhist Psychology and Psychotherapy, Nigrodharājārāmaya, Ambalantota.
- Do Dreams Predict the Future?, 2018, Rewathayathiprabhā, Dipana Offset Printers, Gampaha.
- A Study of Madhyamaka Tradition (in English), 2018, Assajī Abhipraśansā, Buddhist Center, Madirigiriya.
- Literary Contribution of Mahāyāna Madhyamaka Tradition (in Sinhalese), 2018, Surabhānī, Sri Sudharmārāma Mahāvihāraya, Galle.
- Buddhist Rituals and Psychotherapy (in Sinhalese), 2018, Buddhist Psychology and Counselling, Māliyadda Purāna Vihāraya, Mātara.
- Literary Contribution of Mahāyāna Yogācāra Tradition (in Sinhalese), 2017, Somabrabhā, Sri Somānanda Pirivena, Waligama.
- Sutta Nikkhepa-naya of Majjhimaikāya (in Sinhalese), Vimalasara, 2017, Sri Vidyāratna Pirivena, Matale, Sri Lanka.
- Buddha Concept in Mahāyāna Buddhism (in Sinhalese), Sumanatissa Abhisambhāvanā, 2017, Wairagnana Thera, K., Mahinda Thera, A. (ed), Sri Lanka Pali Texts Society, Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.
- Introduction to Mahāyāna Bodhisattvas (in Sinhalese), Pranāma, 2017, S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd. Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
- Buddhist Approach to Reduction of Suicide (in Enghish), Prabuddha – Volume IV, 2016, Sri Lanka Pali Texts Society (SPTS), Sri Lanka.
- An Exposition to the Theory of Causality (in English), Samiddhipasādani, 2015, Sri Sudarshanarama Purana Viharaya, Kanchana Printers, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.
- Significance of Techniques Used by Buddha in Motivating Disciples (in English), Dharmapratibhā, 2015, Sri Vijayārāmaya Vihāraya, Kanchana Printers, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.
- Intermediate Literature between Suttapiṭaka and Abhidhammapiṭaka (in English), Buddhist Studies, 2015, Sri Kandararama Vihāraya, Kanchana Printers, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.
Newspaper Articles
- Ānangana-sutta, Chiththāloka; Volume 6, Sadeepa Publication, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, September 2016
- Bhayabherava-sutta, Budusarana, Lake House, Colombo 10, January 20182016
- Dhammadāyāda-sutta, Budusarana, Lake House, Colombo 10, March 2018
- Sabbāsava-sutta, Budusarana, Lake House, Colombo 10, December 2018
- Mulapariyāya-sutta, Budusarana, Lake House, Colombo 10, November 2018
- Majjhimanikāya; Study of Sutta-Dhamma, Budusarana, Lake House, Colombo 10, November 2018
- Dhammacakkapavattana-sutta (The First Sermon of the Buddha), Nivana; Volume 41, Sri Gunalankāra Buddhist Association, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, July 2016
- Vedalla nam-vu Satthu Sasanaya, Nivana; Volume 39, Sri Gunalankāra Buddhist Association, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, May 2016
- Supatipanna Mahasangha Gunaya, Nivana; Volume 37, Sri Gunalankāra Buddhist Association, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, January 2016
- Buddhist Meditation for Stress Management, Nivana; Volume 31, Sri Gunalankāra Buddhist Association, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, July 2015
Current Research Activities
- The critical study of Puggalapaññattipakaraṇa
Academic Distinctions, Scholarships, Prizes
- Gold Medal for the Outstanding Researcher – 2019, Buddhist and Pali University, Sri Lanka.
- Most Ven. Kalukondayāwe Sri Prañāśekhara Mahānāyaka Thera Memorial Scholarship – 2015, For the Best Student of the Year with First Class in Buddhist Philosophy at Bachelor of Arts (Special) Degree Examination – 2015, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Most Ven. Witārandeniye Chandajoti Nayaka Mahā Thera Memorial Scholarship 2015, For the Highest Marks for Buddhist Philosophy at Bachelor of Arts (Special) Degree Examination – 2015, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- Mangala Vihāra Scholarship – 2015, For the Education and Dharma Shearing Programme, Buddhist and Pāli College, Mangala Vihara (Buddhist Temple), 30 Jalan Eunos, Singapore.
- Francis Hevawitarane Award - 2013, For the First Place on Dharma Sermon Delivered in English held for Final Years of Bachelor of Arts (Special) Degree Examination – 2014, Buddhist and Pāli University, Sri Lanka.
- The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic Scholarship – 2010, For the B.A. Degree Programme in Buddhist Leadership pf Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), Sri Dalada Maligawa, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
- Gamini Jayasuriya Pali Scholarship – 2008, For the Best Performance in Pāli Language at Parama Dhamma Chetiya Pirivena - Ratmalana, Gamini Jayasuriya Pāli Scholarship Trust, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka.
- The Second Place Winner in English Speech Competition, 2008, All Island Pirivena Competition, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka.
- The First Place Winner in Buddhist Arts Competition, 2007, All Island Pirivena Competition, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka.
- The Second Place Winner in Hand Writing Competition, 2006, Punarudaya Sanskrit Arts Festival, Union of Directors and Principals and Association of Sanskrit Teachers, Galle District, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka.
Upcoming Events
General timetables for second semester - 2023/2024 academic year
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ප්රතිඵල නිකුත් කිරීම/ issuing results - bachelor of arts (general) external degree examination ii - december, 2023
2023 දෙසැම්බර් මස පැවති ශ�...
ප්රතිඵල නිකුත් කිරීම/ issuing results - may, june - 2024
2024 අප්රේල්, මැයි සහ ජූන...
බඳවාගැනීමේ සම්මුඛ පරීක්ෂණ - ශාස්ත්රපති උපාධි පාඨමාලාව - 2025
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Invitation of applications / nominations for the post of venerable vice-chancellor
Applications are invited from Dharmadhara and Vinayadhara Bh...
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Exam Results